More About Us
The Litter Committee serves as an independent committee, formally under the Conservation Commission. It was established to deal with the litter control and prevention issues to aid in protecting the rural integrity and scenic character of Tiverton.
Five members are appointed by the Town Council from the public to serve four year terms.
Goals and Objectives
To establish related ordinances as needed for the Town Code
To work with the Tiverton Police for the enforcement of the above
To work with the Tiverton DPW and town government with the eventual goal of making litter monitoring and cleanup an official component of DPW's regular work
We meet on the first Tuesday of each month in March, April, May, June, September, October, and November. Meetings are from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the Tiverton Library (unless otherwise indicated).
You can get involved by joining our meetings and/or by adopting an area to keep clean in town!
Meet the Committee
Litter Warriers of Tiverton

Vicki Revier
Committee Chair

Diane Sunderland
Committee Board Member
Jessica Cullinan
Committee Board Member

Janice Carroll
Committee Board Member

Maureen Morrow
Committee Volunteer

Julie-Ann Knight
Committee Board Member

Joyce Andrews
Committee Volunteer

Chris Clarendon
Committee Volunteer

This could be you!
Committee Volunteer